
Children and technology: Is there too much?

Children and technology - too much or too little?

Tik Tok. Coding. Snapchat. Robots. iPads. Laptops. Green screen. You Tube. The list goes on.

Today’s ‘screenager’ is never too far away from a device – in fact for some families the struggle is real. ‘Put your device down!’ ‘Stop watching that rubbish on You Tube!’ ‘We need some meaningful strategies to help our family unplug’.

Listen to our podcast on children and technology: too much or too little?

The pros and cons

From managing privacy, security and cyber-bullying to digital footprints and reputation, technology can sometimes feel like a never-ending battle. 

Yet the way our children learn today and how we integrate technology in society and education can produce amazing results. Technology can make ideas come to life, connect us to the world around us and provide access to learning environments that would otherwise not be available.  

Today’s families find themselves having to balance all these considerations. We’re concerned about the impact of digital on our wellbeing but we realise it can provide a range of benefits as well, not just for learning but the modern workplace too. We have to weigh up the pros and the cons.

Digital natives vs digital immigrants

Children of today are digital natives. Parents and carers are digital immigrants – we grew up in a world without the internet. A world where classrooms were rows of desks and chairs with exercise books and pens.

Today’s 21st-century learner heads into the classroom armed with a laptop. He completes homework online, launches investigations on the world wide web, creates scripts using video. 

It can be hard for parents to connect to the screen saturated world our children live in and we’re struggling to keep up.

Empowering families

If knowledge is power then knowing what kids do with technology and say is key to modern parenting. 

In CCGS’s latest podcast, ‘Do children have too much technology or too little?’, experts in innovative learning and digital wellbeing give you practical tips and advice. They share where they stand on children using technology, including access to and the use of technology at school.

You’ll walk away with a unique insight into the world of our ‘screen-agers’ as well as getting practical tips on how to help us all achieve that balance. You’ll hear from CCGS Director of Innovative Learning and Digital Literacy, Mr Gavin Summers, who shares the role schools can play in teaching students about responsible technology use and how CCGS practically uses technology to change the way our students think, add value to conversations and enhance learning. 

Dr Kristy Goodwin adds to the conversation by giving families realistic, research based solutions to help kids, teens and adults develop healthy digital habits. 

Listen to the podcast today.

Discover more about CCGS and digital literacy in the classroom and school.