
David Elliot and Adam Guest: alumni profile

Alumni - David Elliot and Adam Guest

Friends since school, this business-focused duo have done it all. From the Police Force and Tactical Operations Unit to tech start-ups and mining, now David Elliot (2003) and Adam Guest (2005) have joined forces to close a gap in the pet food market.

You graduated in 2003 (David Elliot) and 2005 (Adam Guest), what have you both been doing since leaving CCGS?

Adam: After completing my HSC at CCGS, I joined the NSW Police Force and began my nine months training at the Goulburn Police Academy. Once I graduated, I was stationed at Kuring- Gai Local Area Command based out of Hornsby where I did my first two years on General Duties before setting my sights on entering the Tactical Operations Unit (TOU). Entry into the TOU is challenging with physical screening and a gruelling selection course followed by 12 months of tactical and weapons training. Out of the 60 applicants at induction only five, including myself, were selected. I’m proud to say I was one of the youngest members that had been selected and passed the elite training and selection process. During my time in the TOU, I was involved in some of the biggest operations in Australian history but after 10 years serving in the NSW Police Force, I felt it was time for a new chapter.

I was approached by some friends who were starting East Coast Dogs, now known as Raw & Fresh Pet Food. As a pet owner myself, I loved the idea of developing a fresh raw food diet that improved the lives of pets so I left the NSW Police Force and put all of my focus into building and growing the company I now run today. 

David: While still in my final year at CCGS I was approached and offered a job which included formal sales training after my HSC. At the time I still wasn’t sure what it was I wanted to focus on long-term so I took the opportunity. Looking back on it I think that early formal sales training built a valuable skill set that helped me accelerate my career once I decided to take a role in the mining industry.

By the age of 30, I had been involved in starting six different companies, mainly in mining, and learnt the strategies and challenges that go with fast-growing businesses which lead to me exploring investment opportunities in new industries. I made my first investment in a technology start-up in 2015, founding a mobile App called SOGO Golf which I'm still involved in today. From then on mobile app and e-commerce opportunities became my focus.

Now you’re business partners together for Raw and Fresh, a company originally founded by Adam. How did that partnership come about?

Adam: David and I had been friends since school and used to be in the same House Family. A work colleague at the time who also knew David quite well reconnected us all. David could see the future of online shopping and the growing market in the pet food space. I’m very fortunate because not only do I have fantastic business partners, we are also great mates. Together we have now built a thriving business with great culture and values.

David: Although Adam and I were a couple of years apart through school we became friends while both being in the same Nicholii House Family, so it was great to reconnect with Adam. At the start, it was just staying in touch and sharing advice for Raw &Fresh. When Adam approached me about making a bigger investment and taking an active role as CEO I jumped at the opportunity to invest and work with him. We are very much aligned on the vision for the business and both really enjoy turning up each day.

What is Raw and Fresh and what was your vision for the company?

Adam: We want Raw & Fresh Pet Food to continue growing as the leader in health and wellbeing for dogs and cats. We will deliver this vision by continuing to adopt cutting edge technology to ensure quality and convenience are always delivered to the highest degree. Raw & Fresh differs from other pet food companies because we only use 100% natural ingredients in our meals with no preservatives, chemicals, additives or fillers – we don’t put any ‘junk’ in our food, we list every ingredient we use because transparency is a core value of our business.

David: My job was easy, I just had to help Adam deliver the vision already in place. However, when I was first looking at joining the business I could see a growing need in Australia for an honest and transparent company focused on delivering a healthier style of pet food. Australian pet owners were caught in the convenient cycle of just buying the basic dry dog food which wasn’t the best diet.

We knew convenience was always our biggest challenge when comparing traditional dog food against a fresh raw diet so we have invested heavily in making sure our customer experience is the best in the industry with 24 hour customer service to help build first time orders and easy subscriptions so pet owners can select a menu and have it delivered straight to their door.

What has the highlight of your careers been to date?

Adam: Being accepted into the Tactical Operation Unit was a big highlight for me and one job I will always miss. That being said, I find each and every day a highlight with Raw & Fresh, I’m always learning new things and we are constantly breaking new ground. 

David: I am probably enjoying myself more in Raw & Fresh than I have in any other business, but I was lucky enough earlier in my career to lead a company in mining construction where we built some major mining projects. One of my highlights was being able to walk through a completed project with both my father and grandfather to show what we had created. It was a special moment to have all three generations there who understood construction.

What are you passionate about?

Adam: I’m passionate about my family, friends and business, my wife Eliza and our two beautiful girls Eve and Minnie. I’m a bit of a hobby enthusiast so, in all honesty, my passions outside of work change every given week which is no doubt a rollercoaster for my friends and family.   

David: I have always enjoyed learning new skills, so my passions are always changing but a passion for business has always been a constant. I just love seeing ideas and visions coming to life at every stage of a business. It’s never easy but always rewarding!

What is your favourite memory of your CCGS years?

Adam: I have a lot of great memories from CCGS. I can’t narrow it down to one memory, but I really enjoyed times that involved music and playing the drums, woodwork projects and my time as part of the CCGS Rugby team. Not to mention the mates I made when I first came to CCGS in Year 8 which I still have to this day.

David: I met a lot of great people and had countless great experiences at CCGS but my favourite memory during my years there would have to be the Odyssey School camp. I really enjoyed working as a team on each challenge, not knowing what the next day would bring. One day I was negotiating with an electronics store in a shopping centre to hear our next clue on a tape and the next day we were hours up a river with nothing but our canoes and our backpacks. 

What is one piece of advice you would give to your high school self?

Adam: Don’t stress – It will all work out. 

David: Don’t benchmark your plans against the plans of other people. There isn’t just one right path through life so set your plans based on your strengths and what brings you joy.