
Artist in Residence: Bonnie Hislop


By Linda Tebbs, Head of Visual Arts

We were delighted to welcome Brisbane-based artist Bonnie Hislop as our artist in residence during Term 4. Bonnie is an accomplished ceramic artist with an impressive body of work, including pieces held in collections worldwide and the permanent collection of the Brisbane Museum. 

Her visit was an extension of our Year 9 Visual Design program, where students used her work as a case study. Last year, we connected with Bonnie over Zoom for virtual mentoring sessions, and this year, as part of our Visual Arts focus on Deep Learning, we were thrilled to have her on campus for an entire week, allowing students to witness firsthand the resilience and tenacity that contribute to her artistic success.


Throughout the residency, Bonnie engaged with students from various year levels, providing invaluable insights into professional artist practices. Kindergarten students had the unique experience of collaborating on a clay piece, while Year 9 students participated in a half-day workshop that gave them the opportunity to refine their skills and receive direct feedback on their projects. Bonnie’s visit encouraged students to practice adaptation and reflection, vital components of the creative process, as they explored new techniques and pushed their creative boundaries.

Three boys sitting at a table doing art

A highlight of the week was a lively Q&A session with Years 3 and 4, where students eagerly asked Bonnie questions about her journey as an artist. Their curiosity sparked dynamic discussions and led to a series of engaging follow-up workshops in the classroom. 

Bonnie’s visit not only enriched our students' artistic learning but also provided an inspiring example of how dedication and perseverance can lead to exceptional creative achievements.