
Video Stories

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Take a walk down memory lane as we rewind back to the year 1985 as shot by CCGS Alumni Nicholas Moroney.
Find out more about the kaleidoscope of sports offerings at CCGS.
Head Prefect, Annabelle King, spoke to our whole school about how the Matildas have changed women's sport.
A brilliant day of positive action for our first-ever big school cleanup.
From a young age, CCGS senior school teacher Mrs Kerry Armstrong-Smith has been a trailblazer for women in...
We celebrated CCGS's birthday by recognising what CCGS means to the whole School community - past, present...
Year 9 give their top tips to promote men's health.
Students from Years 3 to 12 shared "Hello and how are you?" in different languages.
Students talk about discrimination and bias and what this means to them.
Students take the first steps towards creating measurable change in the way we manage our rubbish.
French students take home Best Drama at this years' Linguafest.