
Fionn Henderson-Foley: alumni profile

Fionn Henderson-Foley - CCGS alumni

Playing Rugby at CCGS played a huge role in Fionn's life. So much so, that after University, he started his own business called Gametime. It's a pressure-free environment where kids learn a wide range of sporting skills. This business venture has led him back to CCGS as a Rugby Coach!

You graduated from CCGS in 2016, what has been your path since finishing school?

After school, I went straight to the University of Newcastle to study Business. Although I wasn't sure what I was passionate about coming out of school, I knew that studying Business would send me in a good general direction.

To be honest, I didn't love it at first. But, I'm pretty stubborn, so once I started my degree there was no way I wouldn't finish it. I finished my undergraduate degree in 2019, and was still clueless about what my career might look like so I decided to study a combined Master of Business Administration and Master of Marketing.

Other than that, I've been coaching Rugby at CCGS, which is something I have always wanted to do. I still play Rugby too, just for fun.

You’ve recently started your own business, Gametime Central Coast, tell us about that.

Gametime Central Coast aims to give kids an environment where they can learn new skills, build their confidence, make friends and have fun! Being active and playing games are so important for kids to build camaraderie with friends, learn teamwork, and most importantly, have a good time.

Gametime is a pressure-free environment where kids learn a wide range of skills that are applicable to all kinds of sports. It's about developing more confident and capable children who, not only have a good time at our sessions but, take those skills and use them every day - at school, at sport, or just playing with friends!

Kids having fun at Gametime, Central Coast

Most of my best memories from growing up were either playing outside with my friends or playing some form of organised sport. In the last couple of years, COVID-19 and fast-paced technology advancements have made it feel like we've all been glued to desks. I think being active is so important, not just for kids, but for all of us.

One of the coolest parts of the business is seeing kids just be present and have fun with new friends. It's amazing watching the confidence they build with new skills that will help them every day - whether it be playing with friends at lunch, in PE, or in weekend sport.

What CCGS experience or achievement most prepared you for where you are today?

It's obvious that Rugby has played a huge role in my life, and I have CCGS to thank for that. Playing with my friends for school every Saturday is still so special to me, and the opportunity to coach at the school has been awesome. I was able to see firsthand how the experience of learning new skills and working together as a team really strengthened my confidence. It's part of the reason why I still play Rugby and why I started Gametime. We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing. 

What advice would you give to students wanting to pursue a career in starting their own business?

I’m not too sure I’m in a position to be giving out advice yet, but I’ll give it a go! I try to be patient with the process, have my heart in the right place, and always try to see things from another person’s perspective, as well as my own. Things go wrong every day, and virtually nothing goes to plan. But that’s part of the fun of it! As long as your effort and intentions are impeccable, you can live with the result. Just try your best and do something you actually like doing! Why would you spend a third of your day doing something you don’t even enjoy?

CCGS alumni Fionn Henderson-Foley coaching

What is your proudest moment post-school?

I wouldn’t say I have one moment I’m most proud of. But, I’m proud of navigating the adversities we all face such as change, uncertainty, fear and anxiety. 

Growing up I was very avoidant of certain feelings like embarrassment and discomfort. While I know I dealt with them the best I could at the time, I knew that they were something I had to encounter to be a better person. Now I try to be a little less avoidant and more conscious of putting myself in more uncomfortable situations, so I’ll know that I can deal with them.

What advice would you give to your Year 12 self?

It’s okay. If you need help, speak up (you probably do. You’re 17, don’t pretend to have it all figured out). Know that you only go to school once, so you might as well enjoy it! Have fun and be yourself. 

If you want to know more, follow Fionn here @gametimecentralcoast.