
Mike Tyrrell and Jordan Green: alumni profile


You graduated in 2000 and 2001, what have you both been doing since leaving CCGS?

MT: After completing a Business Degree at UTS, a round-the-world backpacking adventure saw me on Phi-Phi Island for the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004, an experience which altered the course of my life ( on the Survival Blog for full details).  

After returning to Australia, I completed a law degree and worked as a Public Guardian, advocating for those who were not capable of defending themselves. Over time, I began assisting more in the family business, Survival Emergency Solutions, and am currently working there fulltime to transform the former B2B model into an online consumer-based company, together with my best mate Jordan Green.

JG: After gaining a Cert IV in Information Technology and working with companies including Scholastic Australia, I launched my own web design and development business, Jordan Green Designs. I’ve been working with Survival since 2013, redeveloping the business’s ecommerce and online marketing strategies. Together with my wife, I manage a wedding and event prop hire business and I also have a Cert IV Fitness qualification and run personal training sessions in my spare time!
You were good mates at school and now you’re both working at Survival Emergency Solutions, the company founded by Mike’s dad and uncle, how did your work partnership come about?

MT: Survival was founded in 1988 and initially relied on sales of its pioneering Emergency First Aid Handbook. As the company expanded its product range to first aid equipment and the landscape changed to predominantly online sales, we started calling on Jordan for his expert knowledge in this area. We both began assisting more in the business and then the timing was just right to join forces and seamlessly merge our skills together. 

JG: I had been working with Survival as a client for several years, but it came to a point where a complete online overhaul was required - Survival needed help to build a platform that would showcase its products to Australia and the world. I have been working with Survival fulltime since 2017 and there’s never a dull moment! When I’m not managing its online presence, I’m chasing venomous snakes to capture SMART bandage footage or filming funnel-web spiders for educational online campaigns.

What is Survival Emergency Solutions? 

Survival Emergency Solutions is a leading innovator in first aid emergency solutions. Founded in 1988 by twin brothers Jerry and Tim Tyrrell in response to personal tragedy, Survival’s mission is to offer safety and security to every individual around the globe.  

Beginning 30 years ago with an Emergency First Aid Handbook – which won an Australian Design Award and has sold more than two million copies worldwide – Survival has since developed a full range of pioneering first aid products and recently released the latest version of its . 

Over the past three decades, Survival has given away more than 50,000 first aid kits and educated countless individuals in proper first aid practices to support its mission of creating a safer world for us all. 

What has been the highlight of your careers to date?

MT: I’ve just returned from a trip to rural India with my brother-in-law, AJ, where we took 500 SMART bandages from the Survival Snake Bite Kits to give to people living in an area in which countless lives are lost to snake bites every year. We worked with local medical professionals to help educate people in rural villages about how to correctly apply the SMART bandages and provide them with this tool that could potentially save their life. A big part of Survival’s mission is about educating people around the world and providing first-rate first aid equipment to stop preventable illness, injury and deaths. I’m proud to support this in some small way – this trip was definitely a highlight for me.

JG: Designing and innovating new products that can save lives definitely makes what we do feel worthwhile. I particularly enjoy producing Survival’s educational videos and webinars, as I know they’re going to help people in some way. I also love working together with my best mate. I look forward to being able to look back in many years’ time on what we have achieved and how it has made a significant impact to the lives of others. 

What are you passionate about?

MT: Advocating for change to empower people’s lives.

JG: Family, fitness, animals, safety.

What is your favourite memory of your CCGS years?

MT: During the U/14 ISA Basketball grand final my head was cut open after a head clash. Mr Lornie was on the sideline and came to the rescue - bandaging my head up and getting me back onto the court so we could win the game!

JG: I loved all the sporting opportunities CCGS offered. I always looked forward to the athletics carnivals and was part of the first-ever CCGS baseball team, which went on to win the grand final.

Both: Mr Gill’s Modern History classes!

What is one piece of advice you would give to your high school self?

MT: You are so lucky to have the foundations that were laid for you with such an excellent education and support network. Make the most of the opportunities that present themselves and don’t be held back by fear and doubt. 

JG: Don’t worry so much - it will all work out in the end.