Guest Authors Inspire Students for Book Week
CCGS was excited to have award-winning and best-selling Australian authors visit our school as part of our Book Week celebrations, with this year's theme being ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. Authors spoke to students in both junior school and senior school, inspiring them through their storytelling and insights into their own journey as writers.
Author Visit – James Foley

James Foley provided fun and entertainment (and a few Dad jokes!) when he spoke to our Year 5 group about why he became a writer and illustrator extraordinaire. Being both a children’s author and illustrator makes James’s creative process unique, which he shared with our students including some secrets about character design.
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Author Visit – Wai Chim

Wai Chim delighted students in our senior school through empowering writing workshops where students expressed themselves with reflective and authentic writing.
She spoke to students about her own journey of growing up speaking Cantonese at home, her love of food, and how being a creative writer became her superpower. When speaking to our students Ms. Chim said, “Being creative is about being curious, it's about exploring, and when you are creative, all you have to do is connect ideas that were never connected before,”
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Author Visit – Lisa Shanahan

Lisa Shanahan knows a few things about children's books, having written dozens of them already. She shared with our junior school where her creativity comes from and how you can look at ordinary everyday things and imagine something completely different like how a wooden spoon can become a tennis racket at Wimbledon.
Our Kindergartens were also delighted to share in storytime with Ms. Shanahan where she read her award-winning book ‘Bear & Chook by the Sea’ and shared with them how to make a picture book from concept to publishing.
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Author Visit – Luke S. Kennedy

Luke S. Kennedy is an author and motivational speaker and spoke to our senior school about his empowering life journey. From his past addictions to his mental health struggles and personal battles, he shared how looking inward to discover who you really are saved him.
He spoke authentically to students about how he started with nothing, how hard he’s had to work to build the life he wanted, and how he now draws on his core connections of love, friendship, and career to get the most out of life.
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Book Week Celebrations at CCGS
CCGS continued celebrations throughout Book Week with our junior school Book Parade for Kindy to Year 6, ‘Guess the Book’ and 'Design Your Own Bookmark' competitions, and arts and crafts at lunchtime in the library. In our senior school we had progressive storytelling each morning, our inaugural ‘Blackout Poetry’ competition, and ‘Write Your Story’ for Wear It Purple Day.
See more of our amazing junior school book parade characters on our