Senior Drama Production gets a Brechtian makeover
We all know the story of Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s most well-known tragedies.
But what is ‘Macbrecht’?
‘Macbrecht’ is a Brechtian adaptation of Macbeth, which became our annual Senior Drama Production in our this year.

Across three nights, senior students in Years 10 to 12 wowed audiences as they showcased their talents and craft, presenting a montage of scenes loosely placed in 11th century Scotland yet connected by elements of the 21st century.
The witches were central to the play, through their power of suggestion and their equivocation, which was emphasised in this performance through the motif of “fair is foul, and foul is far”.

Why was this production so special?
Many of the student actors played multiple roles, including an impressive number of Macbeths – nine in total!

Due to the Brechtian nature of this production, many of students were able to workshop and block scenes with their own suggestions under both the guidance of our Drama Captains and our directors.
Our Cast & Crew
Our senior students not only performed in multiple roles on stage but made up the crew behind the scenes, from sound design and lighting to the stage crew, costumes, and makeup.

About Brecht
Bertolt Brecht was a theatre practitioner whose aim was to deconstruct a sense of realism in theatre by having the audience more intellectually engaged, through use of projections, direct addressing of the audience by actors, having all cast on stage and having costume changes in full view of the audience.
Many of these techniques were adopted throughout the performance.
Senior Drama Production – A Legacy
Since the opening of the Performing Art Centre in 2014, our annual Senior Drama Production has been built into the performance program, giving senior students another opportunity outside of the musical production to perform on stage.
The Senior Drama Production is not just open to those who study drama, but open to all students and helps build skills and understanding to enhance curriculum studies.