

Catch up with the latest news, or experience CCGS life through video stories. Current families and students please visit 


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Christopher Ball at Graduation
A passion for sport, sheer determination and making the most of every opportunity have driven Alumnus Christopher Ball, as he takes on the hustle and bustle of Sky News and Fox Sports News.
Ella McDougall
Through determination, ingenuity and personal growth came an unlikely career for Ella McDougall who now works as the acting Editor of trends and insights company, Stylus Media where she helps drive the development of beautiful and responsible products.
Students created their own special Acknowledgement of Country artworks
Students in Junior School develop a greater understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
CCGS celebrates cultural diversity
A time to appreciate the many different cultures that make up our rich cultural tapestry and to promote the CCGS values of respect and inclusivity. 
Morgan Southwick
Following her love of history has taken Morgan to some of the best learning institutions in the world - the University of Oxford and Harvard – and opened the door to a unique, culturally rich and meaningful career working with holocaust survivors and with Anti-Slavery Australia.
Students at central coast grammar school supporting IWD
School community comes together to celebrate a world that embraces equality.
Wellbeing program URSTRONG gains CCGS
CCGS has joined a global community of schools working with URSTRONG, a wellbeing organisation with a goal to help empower students with key friendship skills.
Alumni Andrew Medlicott
If launching an advisory business during Covid wasn’t challenging enough, this alumnus is also training for marathons, growing his flourishing business and finding a balance to spend time with friends and family. He equates his success and motivation to lessons learned at CCGS.
The R U OK? Day official charity has recognised CCGS’s coordinated, whole-school approach which focused on meaningful activities and lessons to help students have discussions around mental health.
We say goodbye to Sonja
After 26 years as a much loved Junior School and teacher librarian, Mrs Sonja Holden is hanging up her library books for the very last time. Sonja looks back on the many changes she has seen but the one thing that has remained the same is the strong sense of community among students, families, staff and friends of CCGS.
HSC Results
Joy for students following outstanding HSC results, with CCGS again placed in the top 100 schools in the state.
Alumna CCGS Courtney Hughes
A desire to work in healthcare, passion for creative arts and a love of her fur-baby has seen Courtney Hughes (2011) build a life (and business) that ticks all the boxes.